Colours & Colour Names
Colour Accuracy
While we attempt at all times to depict the accurate colour of the zipper tapes in our photos, the colour calibration of monitors is very much a personal taste and what you see may be different that what we saw when creating the photos. In other words, don't choose zippers by the monitor photos alone.
We strongly urge you to utilize a YKK Color Card book to pick tape colours and refer to it when examining the zipper tape numbers shown on this site.
Colour Naming
YKK does not, as a rule, name its colours. It is therefore important to understand that the names given to the various tape colours have been invented by us to help present them in a more friendly way.
"Crusty Mustard" is certainly more descriptive than "844", but your concept of a colour might differ from ours, and both might differ from the actual YKK Color Card for a given tape number.
Furthermore, between websites and stores there is no colour naming standard, and our 844 name may differ from another site's 844 name. The only constant is that 844 on our site is 844 in the YKK book.
So use the names we have given only a general guide and as stated above, use the YKK Color Card as the definitive word.